Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Practicum : Day 4 - Day 13

OMG! It's been awhile I did not update the blog. Been really busy with work and all.. Anyways, it's been kinda hectic lately ni sebab need to catch up few things with the students and do some revisions as well.. Loads of ABM needed to be done.. Well, that's normal if you wanna be a teacher kan..

I have conducted few group activities in the class. I was not really sure kenapa mereka suka sangat when it comes to group activities and havoc sangat! Although I have told them to keep silence tapi still mereka bising.. Some of them made noises because they wanted to voice out their opinions to their friends, that one tak kisah because learning was going on during that so called "noisy" tapi ada few students made noises - bergaduh.. This one memang hard to settle. The only way to end "the fights" I told them I was gonna send them to the Principal's office.

Then I came up with few ideas:

1.  How to make the students silent and listen
Teacher says "Class, listen!"
Students clap twice with their both hands.
Students put one finger over the lips in a gesture of silence and make a sound of "Shuush.."
Students make listening gesture with one hand to ear without making any voices or noises.


2. How to control group activities
I named each group as Cadbury, Hershey's, Kit Kat, M&M, and Smarties respectively.
Each group has their own group picture - chocolate brands as mentioned.
Each group has their own cheer - really cute!
If they want to answer a question, they need to hold their group picture up high without making any noises.
Before answering a question, they need to do their cheer first.
Points will be deducted if they make any noises.